
it scares me to the bones

that so many of my species

don't seem to see the abyss

that they are happily running to




extracting all this energy from the planet

raping our

our only home

cutting down forests

being proud of destruction and dominion over nature

this is the state of mind that so many of my species have

and it is so disgusting to me

i try to cope with this situation

with the stupiditiy of human kind

but sometimes i fail and fear what's coming for all of us

epic floods washing away our homes

droughts bringing bad harvests

humans viciously fighting over the last bits of food

climate conflicts culminating in the ultimate nuclear devastation

this all might happen and i do my best to prevent that

but my efforts are practically meaningless

when there is not a broad movement of people

striving for the same goal

so how shall i deal with this situation?

It hurts me seeing humans not caring and failing on so many levels

although i am in a very comfortable position with enough resources to survive the upcoming conflicts

but that's not the best option i strive for

i strive for reducing the most amount of suffering and doing the most good i can

so i just could sit back and relax and watch the downfall of human kind

but i am not that resigned yet

i still have hope

so i ask the best version of myself for guidance

how to deal with this situation

accept the catastrophe

look it in the eye

gain strength from the fear you feel

use this strength to help as much as you can

form alliances

strong networks will overcome almost everything
