Live before you die

Sooner or later, we all will die. Most people I know don't like to think of death. It seems to me that they are trying to avoid it because it's unpleasant, although they know that this event is going to happen, no matter what. I like to think of death because it shows me what's really important. Most of my worries seem tiny if I change my perspective from „this is freaking me out“ to „yeah, I'm still alive“. If tomorrow was my last day, how would I spend it? Death doesn't have to be that sad if you have lived before you die. I don't know when I die. It could happen tomorrow. It could happen in 20 or in 50 years. I for my part want to use this unknown amount of time knowing that I have lived for a purpose before I'm gone. I like to use this thought as a baseline for life: 

Death knocks at my door and tells me, that my time has come.
I say: „Come on man, I wanted to do so much more things!“
Death: „Hmm, what things? Couldn't you have done that earlier?“
Me: „Yeah, you know, there were some bumps on the road. So I lost my focus.“
Death: „Focus from what? Don't waste my time, I got lots of people to visit after you.“
Me: „Ah you little rascal, killing all the people, he? Just don't work you to death, allright?“
Death: [laughs and swings scythe].
Me: „Woah careful there before you hurt somebody. Well, I want to play in a band again and work for the animal rights movement. Oh and I want to have a girlfriend.“
Death: „Fine. At least you have some plans. You have time till next year. No wait, I'll suprise you. That's funnier.“
Me: „Great, thanks Death!“
Death: „Thank me later!“ [disappears]
