No mercy for the merciless

Urheber: Chris Moser 

why should i have pity?
my axe doesn't know this word
just the language of revenge
sweet bloody revenge

my first act of justice: the butcher
He cant move, i hung him upside down
in his butchery, where he used to kill
the weakest of the weak

i condem you of the follogwing crime:
murder of innocent beings in thousands of cases. I thereby sentence you to die.“

please, have mercy with me“, the butcher whimpers.

I raise my axe and scream
no mercy for the merciless

my second act of justice: the fur farmer
I put him into a tiny cage
he cant turn around
cant stand up
his feet already bloody
from iron ground

fur farmer,
you encaged, exploited and killed
thousands of animals
for your own greed

I sentence you to live in this cage til you die
no one knows that you are here
thus, no one will come to save you

Before you'll finally starve to death
you are going to lose your mind“

please, have mercy on me!“, the fur farmer begs

I shut the cage and whisper
no mercy for the merciless

my third act of justice: the deceving eco-farmer

you described the killing of your animals in one of the most cynical ways i have ever experienced.
I quote: 'they are being chosen over the others to fulfill their destiny'

For this tremendous stupidity
i chose you over the others to fulfill your destiny

please, have mercy on me“, the farmer cries.

I stroke his head and whisper
no mercy for the merciless

my fourth act of justice: the dairy farmer
I put her into a small box
where she used to keep the calves

dairy farmer,
you misused the trust of your cows
and took away their children
so you could sell more milk

For this gruesome crime
there can only be one punishment:
i will take the most important thing from you
and destroy it right before your eyes

please, have mercy on her“, the dairy farmer screams.

I put the nail gun on the forehead of her shivering daugther and whisper
no mercy for the merciless

my fifth act of justice: the ignorant consumer

ignorant consumer,
when you witnessed the killing of the innocent
you did nothing to help
you looked away
you didn't raise your voice
you didn't use your hands to help

you seem to have no good use for this body parts
i will take your eyes
cut off your tongue
cut off your hands

please, have mery on me“, the ingorant consumer begs.

I sharpen my knife and whisper
no mercy for the merciless
