the godgiven right to own a tank

some rights are created by humans

but there are some rights which seem to be godgiven and without question

among these are

the godgiven right to own a tank (some refer to it as car but the word tank captures the unnecessity and brutality of this vehicle far better)

the godgiven right to travel by plane as much you can afford (although it's a pretty dumb and egoistic thing to do hence there is something called climate change and others are going to pay the bill for that by much greater extent than you do)

the godgiven right to eat animals (don't you dare touching this most sacred of rights!)

the godgiven right to have kids (although this will increase your ecological footrpint even more but who are you to give a shit anyway?)

this are only a few of the untouchable holy divine godgiven rights that ensure the astounding greatness of some members of the human species
